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Wood Burning Stoves

Wood stoves have been used for centuries as a reliable and efficient source of heat. Whether you're looking to reduce your reliance on traditional heating systems, create a cozy ambiance, or simply enjoy the crackling sounds and pleasant aroma of a wood fire, a wood burning stove can be a fantastic addition to your home. However, with numerous options available in the market, it's crucial to understand the various factors to consider before making a purchase.

This wood stove buying guide aims to provide you with essential information, tips, and insights to help you navigate through the buying process and find the perfect wood stove that suits your needs and preferences. From understanding different types of wood stoves to evaluating size and capacity requirements, and from considering efficiency and emissions ratings to installation and maintenance considerations, this guide covers all the necessary aspects to make an informed decision and enjoy the many benefits of owning a wood stove.

Tahoma 1600 Wood Burning Fireplace

Brief History of Wood Stoves

Wood stoves have been keeping us warm and cozy for centuries! Back in the old days, people realized that throwing wood into a metal box with a chimney could create some serious heat. It was like magic, only with more smoke and a few singed eyebrows. Over time, wood stoves evolved from simple iron boxes to efficient heating machines that can warm up a room faster than you can say "build a bigger fire!"

Benefits of Using a Wood Stove

Why should you consider getting a wood stove, you ask? Well, let me enlighten you with some of the oh-so-desirable benefits. First off, wood stoves provide a natural warmth that radiates throughout your space, creating a cozy ambiance that makes you want to curl up with a hot beverage and a good book. Plus, they're a great backup plan for those pesky power outages. No electricity? No problem! Just throw in some logs and voila, you've got yourself a toasty oasis in the midst of darkness.

Factors to Consider Before Buying a Wood Burning Stove

Heating Needs and Size of the Space

Before diving headfirst into the world of wood stoves, it's important to assess your heating needs. Are you looking to warm up a small cabin or a grand living room? Consider the size of the space you want to heat, because let's face it, you don't want a small wood stove struggling to keep up with the demand of a gigantic room. It's like asking a Chihuahua to pull a sled - cute, but not very effective. However, you may very well be looking for small wood stoves if all you need to heat is a tiny camp or cabin. Regardless, it is important to determine whether you need a small wood burning stove or a larger one.

Available Fuel Sources

Don't be fooled into thinking that wood stoves only burn wood. Oh no, my friend, there are various fuel options available. From traditional firewood to wood pellets, you have choices! Consider what's readily available in your area and what fits your fancy. Just make sure you don't attempt to throw your unwanted homework assignments into the wood stove. Trust me, it won't end well.

Budget and Cost Considerations

Ah, the dreaded B-word: budget. Let's face it, wood stoves can range from affordable to "are you kidding me, I need to sell a kidney for this?" Take a good hard look at your wallet and decide how much you're willing to spend. Remember, a wood stove is an investment that will keep you warm for years to come, so find that sweet spot between quality and price. It's like trying to find the perfect balance between a unicorn and a pot of gold - challenging but not impossible.

Types of Wood Stoves

Traditional Wood Stoves

When you think of an indoor wood burning stove, this is the classic, no-frills image that pops into your head. Traditional wood stoves are like reliable old friends, always there to keep you warm and cozy. They come in various sizes and designs, so you can find one that suits your style and needs. Just remember, they require manual loading of firewood, so if you're not into the whole "Shakespearean log-throwing" routine, you might want to explore other options. A freestanding wood stove is also seen as a more traditional type of wood stove, as that is how the first wood stoves were designed.

Pellet Stoves

Picture this: wood stoves meets technology. That's exactly what pellet stoves are. These bad boys use compressed wood pellets as fuel and can be easily automated with programmable thermostats. It's like having your own personal fire butler. Plus, they produce fewer emissions than traditional wood stoves, so you can feel all warm and fuzzy inside, both literally and environmentally.

Catalytic and Non-Catalytic Stoves

Now, these stoves might sound like characters from a sci-fi movie, but they're actually different types of wood stoves. Catalytic stoves use a catalytic combustor that helps burn wood more efficiently, while non-catalytic stoves rely on insulation and secondary air supplies for efficient combustion. Think of it as choosing between a wizard and a ninja - both have their unique skills, but it ultimately depends on your preference.

Wood Stove Factors to Consider Before Buying Infographic

Choosing the Right Size and Capacity

Determining BTU Requirements

BTU, or British Thermal Units, is a fancy way of measuring how much heat output you need from your wood stove. To determine the right BTU for your space, consider factors like insulation, ceiling height, and desired temperature. It's like solving a math equation, except this time it's actually useful in real life.

Estimating Heating Area

Are you living in a cozy studio apartment or a sprawling mansion? The size of your space plays a role in determining the heating area your wood stove should cover. You don't want to feel like you're hugging the stove just to stay warm, so be sure to calculate the square footage you want to heat. It's like playing a game of "guess how many cookies are in the jar," only the prize is a toasty room and not a sugar rush.

Evaluating Firebox Size and Loading Capacity

Last but not least, consider the firebox size and loading capacity of the wood stove. You don't want to constantly feed it like a hungry pet or have to wrestle with giant logs that don't fit. Find a wood stove with a firebox size that accommodates your wood-splitting skills and loading capacity that suits your laziness level. It's like finding the perfect pair of jeans - you want them to fit just right without any unnecessary struggles.

And there you have it, folks! A witty and informative guide to buying a wood stove. Now go forth and channel your inner lumberjack (or lumberjill) as you embark on the journey of finding the perfect wood stove for your cozy abode. Stay warm and keep those fires burning!

Understanding Efficiency and Emissions Ratings

Efficiency Ratings and Their Significance

When it comes to wood stoves, efficiency is the name of the game. Efficiency ratings tell you how effectively the stove converts wood into heat, which is important for both your comfort and the environment. The higher the efficiency rating, the more heat you'll get from every log you burn. So, if you want to make the most of your firewood stash and keep your heating costs down, look for a stove with a high efficiency rating.

EPA Emissions Standards and Certifications

Nobody wants to feel guilty about warming their toes by the fire, which is why emissions standards are crucial. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets limits on the amount of air pollution that wood stoves can produce. Choosing a wood stove that meets these standards ensures that you're not filling your home with harmful pollutants. Look for EPA-certified stoves, which have undergone testing to ensure they meet these guidelines.

Osburn 2000 Wood Stove

Features and Accessories to Look for in a Modern Wood Burning Stove

Air Wash System for Glass Door Cleaning

There's nothing worse than a beautiful fire being hidden behind smudged and sooty glass. To keep your view crystal clear, look for a wood stove with an air wash system. This nifty feature uses a stream of preheated air to keep the glass clean, so you can enjoy the sight of dancing flames without the need for constant glass cleaning. This is one of the many benefits of modern wood stoves.

Adjustable Damper and Heat Output Control

Sometimes you want to cozy up by a roaring fire, and other times you just need a gentle warmth. That's where an adjustable damper and heat output control come in handy. These features allow you to regulate the amount of air entering the stove, giving you control over the intensity of the fire. So, whether you're looking for a toasty atmosphere or a more subdued ambiance, having these options at your fingertips will make all the difference. 

Ash Pan and Removable Grates for Easy Cleaning

Let's face it, cleaning a wood stove can be a messy task. But fear not! Look for a wood stove with an ash pan and removable grates. These handy features make the cleanup process a breeze. The ash pan catches the ashes, making disposal easier, while the removable grates allow for quick and efficient cleaning. Trust us, anything that simplifies the chore of maintaining your wood stove is worth its weight in gold.


If you are looking to get as much heat as possible, get a wood burning stove with blower. The stove blower will greatly improve the heat circulation and increase your stove's effective heating area. Many stoves offer an optional blower upgrade and it is an option you shouldn't pass up!

Top Brands and Manufacturers

There are many different retailers that offer wood stoves for sale but many of them make the purchasing process harder than it needs to be. We have fine-tuned our ordering process to make it quick and painless for our customers. We also provide all of the detailed information you need right online such as product specs, manuals, and installation instructions.


Osburn wood stoves have been around since 1979 and are known for their high quality stoves and inserts. You can't go wrong with an Osburn wood stove, we carry their full line of stoves and inserts for you to choose from. 


IronStrike stoves are relatively new and are manufactured under IHP (Innovative Hearth Products). If you are looking for a mid to high tier stove or insert then IronStrike has you covered. If you are looking for a modern wood stove IronStrike has what you need. We carry the full line of IronStrike stoves and inserts.

Installation and Safety Considerations

Compliance with Local Building Codes and Regulations

Before you start installing your wood stove, it's important to ensure that you're in compliance with local building codes and regulations. These guidelines are in place to keep you safe and ensure that your installation is up to standard. So, double-check the requirements in your area to avoid any headaches down the road. 

Proper Ventilation and Chimney Requirements

Ventilation is crucial when it comes to wood stoves. Improper venting can lead to dangerous situations like carbon monoxide buildup. Make sure you have the right chimney and venting system for your wood stove to ensure proper airflow and safe operation. It's always better to be safe than sorry, especially when it comes to your home and your health.

Fireproof Flooring and Clearance Requirements

We all love a cozy fire, but nobody loves a house fire. To prevent any unwanted mishaps, it's important to adhere to clearance requirements and have a fireproof flooring in place. Wood stoves can generate a significant amount of heat, so maintaining proper clearance from combustible materials is crucial. Additionally, a fireproof floor will protect your home from any sparks or embers that may escape the stove. Safety first, folks!

Wood Stove Cleaning and Care Tips

Maintenance and Care Tips for Wood Stoves

Regular Chimney Cleaning and Inspections

Just like any other appliance, wood stoves require regular maintenance to keep them running efficiently and safely. One essential task is regular chimney cleaning and inspections. Over time, creosote buildup can occur in the chimney, increasing the risk of chimney fires. A professional inspection and cleaning can help prevent such hazards and ensure that your wood stove operates at its best.

Proper Wood Storage and Seasoning

To get the most out of your wood stove, it's important to use properly seasoned firewood. Seasoned wood has been dried for at least six months, reducing its moisture content and improving its burning efficiency. Store your firewood in a dry, well-ventilated area and allow it enough time to season properly. Trust us, your wood stove will thank you.

Routine Cleaning of the Stove and Components

Last but not least, routine cleaning of your wood stove is essential for its longevity and performance. Regularly remove any ashes or debris from the stove, clean the glass door, and inspect the gaskets and seals for wear and tear. A little bit of maintenance goes a long way in keeping your wood stove in tip-top shape and ensuring that it serves you well for years to come.

So, there you have it – a wood stove buying guide that covers everything from efficiency ratings and emissions standards to installation considerations and maintenance tips. Armed with this knowledge, you'll be well-prepared to choose the perfect wood stove for your home. Now, go forth and enjoy the warmth and charm of a cozy fire!In conclusion, investing in a wood stove can bring warmth, comfort, and cost-effective heating to your home. By carefully considering factors such as your heating needs, available fuel sources, and budget, you can choose the right wood stove for your space. Understanding efficiency and emissions ratings, as well as selecting the appropriate size and capacity, ensures optimal performance and environmental friendliness. Additionally, paying attention to features, accessories, and safety considerations will enhance your overall wood stove experience. With regular maintenance and care, your wood stove will continue to provide you with reliable heat and a cozy atmosphere for years to come. So, get ready to enjoy the timeless charm and practicality of a wood stove as it becomes the heart of your home.


Q: Are wood stoves energy-efficient?
A: Wood stoves can be highly energy-efficient when used correctly. Modern wood stoves are designed to burn wood more efficiently, producing more heat while using less fuel. Look for wood stoves with high efficiency ratings and EPA certifications to ensure optimal energy efficiency.

Q: Can a wood stove be used as a primary heating source?
A: Yes, a wood stove can be used as a primary heating source for your home. However, it's essential to evaluate your heating needs and the size of your space to determine if a wood stove alone can provide sufficient heat. It's also wise to have an alternative heating system in place for backup during extreme weather conditions or if you're away for an extended period.

Q: How often should I clean my wood stove?
A: Regular cleaning is crucial to maintain the efficiency and safety of your wood stove. The frequency of cleaning depends on the usage and type of wood being burned. As a general guideline, it's recommended to clean the chimney and flue at least once a year and remove ashes and debris from the stove regularly. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for specific cleaning recommendations.

Q: Can a wood stove be installed in any home?
A: Wood stoves can be installed in various types of homes, but it's essential to consider local building codes and regulations, as well as safety requirements. Adequate ventilation, proper chimney installation, and compliance with clearances from combustible materials are crucial for safe installation. Consult a professional or local authorities to ensure that your home is suitable for a wood stove installation.

Q: How to install a wood burning stove?
A: How to install a wood stove is many people's main concern. First you will need to install the non-combustible floor pad and non-combustible wall protection. Wood stoves produce a lot of heat and steps need to be taken to insulate the immediate area around the stove to prevent fire damage and maintain compliance with fire codes. Next you will need to cut a hole in the ceiling or wall for the venting pipe that the exhaust will go through. If you are going through the ceiling you will also need a ceiling support box which helps carry the weight of the pipe. Finally you will need to install the flashing on the roof and start putting your chimney together. If you are going through the wall horizontally instead of the roof this process will be slightly different.

Q: How to use a wood burning stove?
A: Warm up the flue if that is required, using a heat source. Next, you will need to build and light your fire using newspaper and small bits of wood or kindling. Keep the fire going and bring the stove up to temperature while continuously adding larger pieces of wood. Adjust the air vents to help the wood burn as efficiently as possible. Finally, you will want to maintain the fire and continue adding logs and adjusting the vents as needed.

Q: How to clean wood stove glass?
A: First and foremost make sure the glass has completely cooled down before you start cleaning it. Use a soft brush to dust off any bits of debris around the glass and the back of the door frame. Next, apply wood stove glass cleaner to the ceramic glass and let it sit for a little while. Finally, wipe off the cleaner with a microfiber cloth and you are all done!

Q: How to start a fire in a wood stove?
A: Start by making some newspaper knots and grabbing some kindling. Place the newspaper and kindling in the firebox and light it, once the kindling catches fire start adding larger pieces of wood. Once the fire is going strong you can add full size pieces, and keep doing so every so often to keep the fire going. Adjust the vents / blower as needed throughout the process.