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Arlington Zero Clearance Fireplace Door

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36 Inch Wide Basic Z Fireplace Door

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42 Inch Wide Basic Z Fireplace Door

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Zion Zero Clearance Fireplace Door By Ope...

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Odyssey Zero Clearance Fireplace Door

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Slim Moderne Zero Clearance Fireplace Door

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Pinnacle Hidden Frame Masonry Fireplace Door

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Inside Fit Fireplace Doors

Stiletto Zero Clearance Fireplace DoorInside fit fireplace doors are the most common types of fireplace doors for prefabricated fireplaces. This is mainly due to the way these fireplaces are constructed and the fact that the OEM doors are also considered inside fit fireplace doors. Prefab fireplace doors can be difficult to order depending on the type of unit and how the opening itself is structured. If you aren't quite sure where exactly you need to measure for your new inside fit fireplace glass doors, we recommend you check out our quick guide first.

This should help take a lot of the guesswork out of the equation by showing you some examples of common types of prefab fireplace openings and how they are measured. It also has some examples of what not to do in terms of deconstructing the unit. Prefabricated fireplaces are built to a specific standard and certified for operation, they are also known as zero clearance fireplaces because of how closely they can be placed to combustible materials. This is vastly different than masonry fireplaces which have much larger clearances to combustibles and hearth extension requirements.

Prefab Fireplace Door Options

We offer a multitude of doors for prefab fireplaces to fit your taste! Along with this wide selection each door has some common options that we will outline below:

  • Finish - Powder coat finish options and premium hand-applied finish options
  • Door Type - Bi-fold or cabinet glass doors are available on most prefab fireplace doors
  • Glass Tint - Choose from 3 different glass tints (clear, grey, bronze)
  • Mesh - Sliding or cabinet gate mesh, please note that you will need more opening depth to accommodate these options
  • Door Designs - Our premium doors have options for additional door designs which are attached to the front of the glass doors

Keep in mind that select prefab glass doors also work with already existing mesh! If you desire to keep your mesh and are just looking for a little pizzazz to add to your prefab fireplace, then we can bring that vision to life. Our prefab fireplace doors are versatile and can work with any design style that you have in mind!

Of course, safety is always a priority and concern when you have a fireplace in the home. That is why we take the time to make sure you understand what our product can do!  Not only can the doors protect you and your loved ones but they also assist with heat efficiency. These inside fit fireplace doors do the job of keeping the firebox closed to drafts, curious pets, and children.

We make getting a quick custom quote for a fireplace door easy with your submitted photo!! Here's what to do:

1. Take a photo of your fireplace using your phone, tablet, or digital camera.
2. Fill out the form below and upload your photos (up to three). 
3. Our fireplace door experts will evaluate your pictures, determine what type of fireplace you have, and with the measurements you provide, we will compile a list of fireplace doors that would best suit your home and budget.  
4. One of our friendly customer service team members will get back to you within 1 business day with your quick custom quote! Follow This Link For A Custom Quote