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Create a stunning fire on water feature that will have your guests in complete awe! Tell us about your project and upload a photo or design plan and we'll work with you to get you the custom manifold you want.

Fill out the form below and if you have any questions be sure to write them at the bottom. There are many different possibilities available when it comes to fire on water manifold systems and our team will make sure you get exactly what you are looking for!





Create a stunning fire on water feature that will have your guests in complete awe! Tell us about your project and upload a photo or design plan and we'll work with you to get you the custom manifold you want.


Fire on water features have become a must have for many pool and spa areas. You'll enjoy a beautiful display of flames dancing atop a body of water, whether it be in a pond, in a large concrete bowl, or atop your backyard waterfall. Gas flows through the manifold and bubbles will form on the surface, at which point the igniter magically turn the bubbles into flames that glide across the water's surface!

Fire On Water Set Up Systems:







The SUBEIS (SUBmersible Electronic Ignition System) uses a special electronically-controlled valve that is sealed against water leakage so that it can be directly installed underwater. Your feature must be deep enough for the control box and the manifold to be fully submersed as indicated above; however, the igniter must be situated over the surface of the water.



The AFOW (Automated Fire On Water ignition system) uses an electronically-controlled valve that sits outside the water. AFOW systems are not waterproof and not rated for submersion. As indicated above, the valve box is installed before the gas line feeds into your feature and the igniter must be situated over the surface of the water.