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4-Sided Overlap Doors

This type of overlap door is specifically meant for a suspended opening, you may also hear us refer to them as 4-sided overlap doors because the door frame itself overlaps on all sides of the opening. Standard prefab doors sit inside of the metal opening and they don't protrude outside of it. Overlap fit doors sit up against the facing of the unit overlapping it on all sides. See the diagram below for an example of what this looks like.

Overlap Fit Door Example

This type of opening is also called a hole in the wall fireplace. If you are looking for hole in the wall fireplace ideas you came to the right place! The blue outline above indicates the amount of overlap provided by this type of fitment, overlap amounts can vary depending on the fireplace door and the manufacturer. Generally for prefab doors the standard overlap is 3/8" on all sides, up to a maximum of 3/4" overlap. 

Hole in the Wall Fireplace Ideas

There are many different things you can do to update your suspended fireplace opening including adding a new fireplace door. We commonly see people tile around their fireplace opening or utilize veneer stone. As long as the facing around the suspended opening is relatively flat an overlap style door should work! Check out some of our customer's pictures below for inspiration:

Our fireplace doors can be customized to fit any size opening and each door has many different options from finish color, glass tint, mesh, and more. We have worked with many over sized and irregular openings, if you don't see your size online just fill out our contact form and we will help you get the door you need!