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Outdoor Fireplace Doors

Stainless Steel Prefab Outdoor Fireplace DoorOutdoor fireplaces are a beautiful addition to any patio or outdoor living space. It’s a good idea to protect your firebox with outdoor fireplace doors! When an outdoor fireplace doesn’t have fireplace doors, it’s vulnerable to damage from debris, wildlife, and weather. Plus, having a big hole just isn’t as attractive as a stainless steel set of outdoor fireplace glass doors.

Outdoor fireplace screen doors not only protect your outdoor fireplace but they also update your fireplaces look and give it more functionality. These doors are built specifically to stand up to the elements which is why you will see they come with stainless steel hardware, and some are even made out of stainless steel entirely! That also means the additional options such as mesh are made from stainless steel too. This provides you with all of the options you need to customize your very own outdoor fireplace door!

If you need help ordering you can fill out our Snapshot Quote, which will ask you for some basic information along with a few pictures. One of our knowledgeable customer service reps will review your quote form and get back to you with compatible recommendations for your outdoor fireplace. You can also reach us by calling 1-888-986-1535 Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm EST.


What are zero clearance fireplace doors?

  • They are the doors that are applied to a manufactured fireplace. The ZC fireplaces are made to have little to no clearance and their doors help with that as well as air intake.

How do I know if I have a zero clearance fireplace?

  • The easiest way to know is if there is a metal on the front. You can also look for the manufacturer's tag within or on the back of the fireplace. 

Are zero clearance fireplaces safe?

  • They are a safe addition to your home. If you are looking for a realistic feel of a fire without it being a wood fireplace then they are right for you. They can be installed into an existing fireplace opening or added to your home.