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Mesh Fireplace Doors

Masonry Fireplace Screen DoorFireplace doors with glass aren't the only defense you have when it comes to keeping your family safe from sparks and embers! Our fireplace mesh doors are a great way to enjoy the warmth and beauty of fire while at the same time maintaining a safe environment in your home.

Our collection of fireplace mesh screen doors are an appealing choice for those who prefer a glass-free look, as well as homeowners looking to upgrade their unprotected masonry fireplace. In addition to the added safety, installing these doors as an alternative to glass fireplace doors would reduce the amount of upkeep needed. There would be no need to clean soot from glass doors again!

While there would be no tinted glass or decorative window designs, many of our fireplace doors with mesh screens still offer custom options for the main finish, the door stile finish, and your choice of handles! We even offer a couple of different cabinet mesh doors that have an arch-conversion design, giving your fireplace less of a boxy structure. 

Upgrading your fireplace with a set of mesh fireplace doors is a great opportunity to get away from the bulkier traditional hanging mesh curtains, allowing you to craft a slimmer, simpler, and easier-to-use spark protection barrier. 

Stop those rolling logs!

If a log were to roll off of your fireplace grate and into your glass fireplace doors, a dangerous mess of glass could potentially result from that collision. Equally concerning would be the possible outcome of a log rolling into, and maybe through, hanging fireplace mesh. These cabinet mesh doors have a better chance of protecting against disaster, without worrying about a loose log significantly damaging the doors themselves. 

Our custom mesh fireplace doors are:

  • Excellent options for the safest operation of your fireplace
  • Designed to keep ashes and sparks inside your fireplace.
  • Affordable and customizable
  • Easy to install and require low maintenance
  • Made in the USA


Q: Can I take the screen out of my fireplace?

  • A: You can take the screen out, however, Fireplace Doors Online does not recommend altering your fireplace or fireplace door for safety reasons. The mesh curtain or mesh door is there to help protect you from sparks.

Q: How are fireplace mesh doors different from mesh curtains?

  • A: Mesh curtains hang loosely from a rod along the top of the fireplace opening. While they will block sparks and embers, they can't stop rolling logs.

  • A: Mesh doors are very much like a screen door for your fireplace, using mesh instead of glass to allow for air circulation while the sturdy door frames are more likely to keep in any firewood that may roll off the grate in a wood-burning fireplace.

Q: Can I have both glass and mesh fireplace doors?

  • A: Yes! Many of our custom masonry doors are offered with at least one mesh option, including built-in cabinet mesh doors. This would be the perfect way to enjoy the benefits of both glass and mesh.

Q: Can I get fireplace mesh doors for my prefabricated fireplace?

  • A: In most cases, yes! Some prefab fireplaces, such as vent-free units, can’t have glass doors at all. Our vent-free prefab doors may be what you’re looking for if you have one of these kinds of fireplaces. If you would like to see several options for doors that would work well for your fireplace, please fill out our Snapshot Quote form and we will get right back to you with some suggestions!