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Architectural Metal Mesh

Architectural mesh screens are creating a stunning and one of a kind look for commercial establishments around the world! If you haven't discovered this art concept yet, now is your chance! This metal coil drapery is a trendy and contemporary way to amp up the theatrics and visual appeal of your restaurant, auditorium, gallery, or hotel. The decor possibilities are endless!

Fill out our Architectural Mesh Quote Form to receive a free quote!

Consider draping metal mesh curtain panels from the ceiling to add height or "drop" the vault of a room. Amplify the acoustics in your concert hall with this multipurpose mesh. Add texture to windows and backdrops, or project lighting and images against these metal panels. You can even combine stainless steel woven metal drapes with a water manifold to simulate a "floating" waterfall! 

We offer a variety of weave thicknesses, size options, and over 90 vibrant colors for all types of projects. Click on the pictures below to get an up-close and personal look at some of the projects we've been able to help our customers create. Then click on the custom product above and tell us how we can help you create a display that will get you recognized!

Click on any of the images below to get a closer look!




What type of commercial projects can architectural mesh be used for?

  • Add dramatic texture and amazing focal points by using it for ceiling treatments and wall cladding
  • Ideal for semi-private partitions and dividers between seating areas in restaurants, waiting areas, and more
  • Fashion an artistic decor concept with different lengths, weave thicknesses, and colors
  • Utilize for curtains, drapes, or safety barriers throughout your home or establishment
  • Stainless steel mesh panels create stunning water features or make terrific shower curtains
  • Ideal for retail displays, window treatments, backdrops, and more