Timers are a great option to have if you want your fireplace, gas logs, or stove to shut down after a specific time period. No more falling asleep and leaving the fireplace on when you don't need it or use the OFF button to shut it off any time.
The timer remotes are great for when you are trying to regulate your fireplace usage as well as put your mind at ease. Timer remotes are made to shut off exactly when you want them to so you no longer have to worry about it!
If you have a busy lifestyle and are looking for a little help when it comes to your fireplace the timer remote is perfect. The timer remote will also help with the regulation of your fireplace. Especially if you are trying to keep a budget, the timer can help keep your fireplace exactly where you want it without worrying about your usage.
We have many options when it comes to the timer remotes to fit your exact needs. Most of our timer remotes also help control your fireplace by temperature. If you want your fireplace to reach a certain temperature then shut off the timer allows you to do so! They are extremely helpful and versatile for anyone!