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Get ready to be amazed by the Tru-View 50" XT XL Indoor/Outdoor Smart Electric Fireplace. It's a unique fireplace that works inside and outside your home and does incredible things. First, a big 50-inch screen makes you feel right by a real fire. The flames look so cool, almost like magic. This fireplace is not just a regular one; it's super cool. But it's not just about looking cool. This fireplace is super intelligent. You can change the flames and how hot it is with a touch, by talking to it, or even by phone. You can make it feel suitable for any occasion, whether you're having a quiet night or a big party. And don't worry about safety. This fireplace is made to be safe and sound for the environment. You can enjoy the cozy feeling of a fire without the usual problems of traditional fireplaces. This fireplace mixes old-fashioned charm and modern technology, making your home feel warm and stylish. It's not just a thing you buy; it's an experience, a focal point, and a symbol of modern living at its best. Features: Three-sided built electric fireplace WiFi is compatible with connecting and controlling the fireplace from your smartphone using our app. Available on the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. Three-speed flame motor Heat Outdoor 5000 BTU No unsightly venting and grills were seen. A proper, clean, and vent-free look A programmable timer & thermostat allow you to decide the room's temperature. Set your fireplace to turn on before you arrive home, or automatically turn it on when the weather is cold. Touchpad for convenient control of the features and temperature display from the fireplace. Choose from combinations of yellow, orange, and red colored flames Approved for indoor or outdoor applications.* Choose from 11 canopy and ember bed lighting colors to illuminate decorative media from below and above. Two flame pattern styles – standard and more traditional A new patented thermostatic remote comes included  Specifications:  Size:  50"  Volts:  120V  Amps:  12.5A  Watts:  1465 W  Heater High:  1465 watts  Heater Low:  750 watts  No Heater:  19 watts max  Lamps Type:  LED  Lamps Watts:  N/A  Lamps Total Watts:  48 watts  Rotor Motor:  Two at 5 watts  Glass Viewing Opening:  22" x 49 5/8"  Glass Size:  22" x 49 5/8"  Shipping Size:  35 1/4" x 57 1/2" x 15 5/8"  Shipping Weight:  147.7 lbs  Unit Weight:  129.6 lbs  Glass Front:  Included  Plug Location:  Left Side  Cord Length:  76"  Approx. Heating Area:  400 sq ft Downloads: 50 Inch Tru-View XT XL Manual 50 Inch Tru-View XT XL Specification Repair Guide Outdoor Installation Guide Back Drill Modification Remote Control Guide Amantii Tru-View Electric Fireplace Catalog .