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The Panorama Extra Tall Smart units, which have an additional 18 inches of viewing space, are notable in their own right. The Panorama Extra Tall Smart fireplace features a deep media tray. It comes with a fantastic media package that includes logs, glass nuggets, pebbles, stones, vermiculite, and embers, allowing customers to personalize the appearance of their fireplace. Choose between red, yellow, or orange flames with just one click of the remote control that comes with it. Other features include WiFi connectivity, a three-speed motor, a seven-day programmable thermostat, and an energy-efficient heater that can heat an area of up to 400 square feet. Features: WiFi is Compatible with our app to connect and control the fireplace from your smartphone. Available on the Google Play Store and Apple App Store Three-speed flame motor 12" depth. Heat Outdoor 5000 BTU No unsightly venting and grills were seen. A proper, clean and vent-free look A programmable timer & thermostat allow you to decide the room's temperature. Set your fireplace on before you arrive home, or have it automatically turn on when the weather is cold. Touchpad for convenient control of the features and temperature display from the fireplace. Choose from combinations of yellow, orange, and red colored flames Approved for indoor or outdoor applications.* Choose from 11 colors of canopy and ember bed lighting to illuminate decorative media from below and above Two flame pattern styles – standard and more traditional A new patented thermostatic remote comes included Specifications:  Size:  40"  Volts:  120V  Amps:  12.5A  Watts:  1465 W  Heater High:  1465 watts  Heater Low:  750 watts  No Heater:  25 watts  Lamps Type:  LED  Lamps Watts:  N/A  Motor Heater:  19 watts  Rough Wall Opening:  40" x 30"  Glass Viewing Opening:  17 3/4" x 34 1/4"  Surround Size:  21 3/4" x 39 1/8"  Shipping Size:  31 1/9" x 47 3/5" x 14 1/2"  Shipping Weight:  117 lbs  Unit:  N/A  Glass Front:  Included  Plug Location:  Left Side  Cord Length:  70 7/8"  Approx. Heating Area:  400 sq ft Downloads: 40-Inch Panorama BI XT Deep Owners Manual  40-Inch Panorama BI XT Deep Specifications Panorama BI XT Deep Size Comparison Panorama BI XT Deep Safe Drill Zones Panorama BI XT Deep Outdoor Installation Remote Guide Panorama BI XT Deep Catalog .